On Monday 16 January 2006 10:22 pm, pasunhill wrote:
Hello, my name is Pat Anderson, and I have a problem regarding .sxw files,
and I need information.  My computer skills range is more or less "average"

My computer was built for me by a man who I can't reach anymore (he retired
and is in South America someplace).  The version is Windows XP, home
version Microsoft 2000 Office Professional was installed on it, it shows in
my Add or Delete Programs" area and in the last two weeks or so, it is
sending me error messages, some part of it wants to be re-installed, but I
don't have the CD to do so, and it won't repair or reinstall without it. I have worked with MS tech, but they tell me I must go to my OEM (which is
the man in South America) to have access to the CD he installed with, and
of course, that option is not available to me.

Easest way to solve this is to take your computer to a computer shop and let them fix it. Make sure you go to a top quality shop in your area. Ask local friends where to go as this is an international list and it is excedently unlikely that anyone on this list would know your local area.

Much easier is forgetting about MS Office and using OpenOffice instead! You can open all MS Office files using OpenOffice. You can also save new files in MS Office format using OpenOffice. And sxw is the format used by older versions of OpenOffice, and these of course open with newer ones too. (BTW, MS Office cannot open files made with some older or newer versions of the same programs, but OpenOffice usually can!) So: no need to repair MS Office, no need to go to a computer shop.

However, if you do want to also keep using MS Office, you'll have to at least find a certificate of authority for MS Office (not for Windows, as someone else suggested!). If you find that, you can repair MS Office using someone else's MS Office CD. If you can't find it, it seems that your dealer didn't just forget to give you a MS Office CD (or you lost it) but used his own to install the program. This is illegal, so if you took your computer to an honest computer shop, they might not be willing to fix your MS Office and would try to sell you a legal version.

commerical version of what you can get for free as in free bear from OpenOffice.org.

I've heard of free beers, but free bears is a new concept to me :-)


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