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John W. Kennedy wrote:
> Chuck wrote:
>> How can I get writer to display the column number and line number of the
>> current input location? I searched the help file and found a page called
>> "position in document" but nothing on the page tells you where this
>> option can be found.
> I don't offhand believe it's possible. In a general-purpose word
> processor like OOo Writer that supports multiple sizes of proportional
> type, "line" and "column" are essentially meaningless concepts. (They
> are, however, displayed when editing the source of HTML files or macros.)
> If you are doing something like a standard-format movie script, using
> 12-point Courier, the rulers should tell you what you need to know.
> If you are trying to use Writer to create plain-text files -- programs
> or the like -- don't; it's like trying to drive a Corvette off-road.
> Since you use Windows, you might want to look into
> <URL:http://www.emeditor.com/> or <URL:http://www.textpad.com/>. Both
> are inexpensive and offer free trials.

I'm trying to determine column numbers to be used with a unix cut
command. With MS Word I just paste a line from the text file, move the
caret to the column, and the column number is shown in the status line.

So what the heck is the "position in document" help page talking about
then? Open the help application, go to the "find" tab, and search for
"column number". One of the things it finds is called "position in
document". I can find in the help document but I'll be darned if I can
find the option anywhere in Writer.
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