I'm using version 2.01. IMy Operating system is Windows XP. I have been working 
through the beginers tutorial on the Openoffice Forum. I have strted my own 
database to keep track of my garden. I can't figure out how to insert a picture 
in my form without using code. I'm very close.
1) I have two table both with primary keys.
 The Photo table contains:  ID                     INTEGER [INTER]
                                        ROSEPHOTO  IMAGE    [ LONGVARBINARY] 
                                         ROSENAME      TEXT    [VARCHAR]
                                         ROSENUMBER    TEXT    [VARCHAR]
The Rose table contains     IDPlant                  INTEGER [INTER]
                                        PHOTO  IMAGE    [ LONGVARBINARY] 
                                         NOTES TEXT    [VARCHAR]
                                         ROSENUMBER    TEXT    [VARCHAR]
                                          ( AND MORE TEXT STUFF)

I have one form, it has a" image  box" I open the Forn Navigator dialog, 
Selected the MainForm object,brought up a pop-up menu and select new Form. 
Renamed the the new form Photo.  I open the the form properites dialog for the 
photo form. On the Data tab I set the following: 
Content Type=   Table, content Photo, Navagation bar yes,  Master Link = Plant 
ID, Photo, Rosenumber. CommonName 
       Slave  Link  = ID,      RosePhoto, Rosenumber, RoseName  
Content Type=   Table, content Photo, Navagation bar yes,  Master Link = Plant 
ID, Photo, RoseNumber. CommonName 
      Slave Link    = Plant ID, Photo, RoseNumber, CommonName
                                                                (((((( I can't 
figure out  Why the Master Slave are the same )))))))
NOTE: I did not create a subform when I opened the database and I did not 
create any relationships in the beginning.
 2.) In my table under the photo field, I see <OBJECT> . Is this correct? 3)  
My auto number is off by one number, It started at zero and I changed that to 1 
and that was a mistake because the numbers are off by one. Can I fix this auto 
Thank you Maggie

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