John W. Kennedy wrote:
Thomas W. Cranston wrote:
Dave Barton wrote:
On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 15:32 -0500, Dee Baker wrote:

Please read:


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I think the message "When you install Open Office, it asks you whether you want to associate MS Office files with Open Office. In order to not associate these MS Office file types, you must uncheck the appropriate boxes before continuing." could be worded better for the general public to avoid mis-understandings.

It would be much better to state that if you associate MS Office files with Open Office, that Open office will become the Default Program and that it will convert MS Office files to Open Office files.

No! It will not "convert" anything. For God's sake, users are confused enough without being lied to.

It may not convert them, but it will fuck them up. At least that is my experience, and that is the truth. That's my story, and I'm stickin to it. Luckily, I had backed up my resumes onto another medium, before I installed OO. I am at this moment perusing the Open Office CD to see how I could have missed or mis-understand the warning.

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