On Thu, 2006-02-02 at 11:00 -0800, Dennis Marks wrote:
> I'm trying to use a regular expression in VLOOKUP and I can't get it to 
> work. Maybe I am just using it wrong.
> Assume the following is in a single cell    1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 15,
> There is a blank before the first 1.
> There are many sets of numbers like this in a column.
> I want to do a VLOOKUP to find the record with " 7,".?
> The record indicated above should be found.
> I keep getting n/a. What am I doing wrong?
> The numbers are in column A. Returned item in column B
> Formula
> =VLOOKUP(" *7,*";A1:B10;2;0)
> I have tried without the blank before the *. I have tried not using the *'s.

=VLOOKUP(".*7.*";A1:B10;2;0) should work

The . signifies any single character and the * signifies zero or more of
the previous character(s), so used together = any number of any

Search for Regular Expressions in help, it provides a well documented


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