On Thu, 2006-02-09 at 11:12 -0800, Eugénio Varejão wrote:
> Hi!
> When I write the function bellow:
> =IF('file:///E:/Cronoslot/DVP/SCP/MATCON_SCP_001.ods'#$material.C91<>"";INDEX('file:///E:/Cronoslot/DVP/SCP/MATCON_SCP_001.ods'#$material.$C$6:$C$125;MATCH(D91;'file:///E:/Cronoslot/DVP/SCP/MATCON_SCP_001.ods'#$material.$D$6:$D$125;0)))
> I get the result expected when the external spreadsheet have the value. 
> But when the value does not exist I get an annoying #N/A and the 
> subsequent operations give the result #N/A, as expected. How can I 
> change the #N/A for a 0 (Zero) or a blank cell?
> Thank you for your time a knowledge,
> EVarejão

Add the IF and ISNA functions to your formula to substitute your desired
result, should ISNA be TRUE


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