On Fri, 2006-02-10 at 12:08 -0700, Juan Carlos Núñez López wrote:
> have a nice day.
> Hi my friends.
> I'd like to obtain an electronic copy of documentation for openoffice 2, 
> but in spanish language.
> Is there a openoffice spanish version?
> Well, i'd like to obtain electronic copy of programming for openoffice 
> with java.
> i'm learning java yet, but i am interested in developing tools for 
> openoffice in java, directed to engineers, and so on.
> I'm an electrical and mechanical engineer, and i live in Mexico.
> Well, if i can help in other things, i'd like to do.
> Please, send me your comments...
> and i'm sorry, i'm not so good with english...
> thanks.

Estimado Sr. Núñez:

Juntos con sus estudios recuerdes a estudiar no solo íngles, pero
Japónes también!

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Saludos desde un Boríncano...

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