On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 17:49:12 +0000, "Phil Knight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I am not currently using any version of OpenOffice - because I can't 
>download it. I am running a 1GHz Dell with Windows 2000Pro, and am on a 56k 
>dialup (which runs at about 31k in fact) with a two hour cutoff. The 
>downloading file is going to take 6 hours 30 mins to download. I came to the 
>two hour cutoff, clicked pause, reconnected, and clicked resume. And was 
>told that the download had finished. Of course, it hadn't. So what do those 
>of us not on broadband do to get your product? Not everyone lives in a 
>broadband compatible area, and there those who don't want it anyway. Any 
>chance of it being made available in more manageable chunks - or compressed? 
>I don't need the maths bit - or possibly even the drawing module,as I have 
>enough artwork programs already.
You still have some choices. 

You can try BitTorrent. You can stop and start the reload at will and as many
times as you would like. 

You can buy the CD at

at 13.95 which includes free Shipping. 

Or you can find a friend that will download it for you. and they can put it
on CD or on a Flashdrive (Its less than 80 Megs) 

     Liberty ...
Liberty                               :Freedom is first earned 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              :by demanding it. It's lost by
http://www.libertysblog.com           :forgetting its value.

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