One possibility if you keep mail on your ISPs server:
If your ISP imposes a mail quota but you are doing regular clean-outs,
you might still be going over quota briefly without you noticing that
your not receiving mail from other correspondents. (When you go over
quota your ISP usually rejects all new mail until you make space.)

- Don't keep read or deleted mail on your ISPs server, and read mail
- Clean out more regularly.
- Get a GMail account from Google and resubscribe from it (no quotas -
but they do keep every message that goes through your gmail account
forever, and use it to profile you for targeted advertising).

On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 18:39 +1300, Michael Adams wrote:
> About once a month i get a warning saying
> <quote>
> > Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
> > mailing list.
> > Messages to you from the users mailing list seem to
> > have been bouncing. I've attached a copy of the first bounce
> > message I received.
> > If this message bounces too, I will send you a probe. If the probe
> > bounces, I will remove your address from the users mailing list,
> > without further notice.
> </quote>
> Nothing ever seems to come of it, and i sort of keep ignoring these
> messages. 
> Does anyone else get them? 
> Is it a problem with my ISP here in NZ?

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