On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 15:14 +0100, Cyrille Moureaux wrote:
> Hi G. Roderick,
> > Please do *not* start a new question by replying to an old one as this
> > causes several problems:
> >      1. most email software will correctly think that your email is a
> >         response to the email you are "replying" to, and will indicate
> >         this by displaying your email as a child of the original email
> >      2. because of this, people not interested in the original email may
> >         ignore your question
> >      3. people may think that the original email has a reply(yours) so
> >         that they do not have to give it a reply
> > 
> > So in conclusion, more people will read your email if it looks like the
> > start of a new thread rather than the reply to an old one.
> > 
> I may be mistaken, but I got the impression that the "[moderated] YOU 
> MUST GIVE A SUMMARY HERE" mails are just the new face of the old 
> "[moderated]" ones, i.e the mails sent from our contact link in 
> whichever page of www.OO.o (can't remember nor find it), which spawns a 
> composition window with a preset subject. I guess after getting tired of 
> the ten page "[moderated]" thread, someone decided to put something that 
> would invite users to actually go and provide a proper subject, 
> unfortunately this doesn't seem to have had the expected effect.
> My point is I don't think these mails are being sent as replies to other 
> mails of the "thread" (but I could be wrong), in which case your reply 
> may be quite confusing to these users.
> Just my couple eurocents,

Thanks. I will remember this and ignore further messages with this
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