
I haven't followed entire thread, forgive me if I've
missed something key to my reply.

But, have you tried GIF format?  I used to use JPG,
but found blurry in versions of OO (from 1 onward). 
For fun, I tried GIFs and they're much sharper, crisp,
and scale much better than the JPG images.  Of course,
they're much larger in size (lossy versus lossless
trade off) and the document is much larger as a
result.  But the graphics are much nicer :)


--- Oliver Eikel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hy Laurent,
> my settings are 100 MB as well. But anyway I don't
> understand what you 
> want. I don't think that a blurry picture depends on
> OO. You might check 
> the properties of your image. If they are really big
> (~ 2000 px 6 MB) or 
> the resolution is very low (<96dpi & stretched),
> this might cause them 
> to look blured. Check them in another appication
> like irfanview, set 
> them to original size & compare them to the size in
> your doc. If all's 
> fine, check the properties in Internetexplorer.
> cu
> Oliver

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