On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 15:01, Joe Conner wrote:
> If this is for recording blood glucose readings, I have a spreadsheet
> that is designed to do this.  If you want me to send it to you
> directly let me know.
> Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA 98370 USA
> James Elliott wrote: 
> > I have a Calc spreadsheet (OOo 2.0;  Win XP) which has a column of
> > dates and a column of data readings.  Sometimes there are three
> > readings on the same day.  This is what it looks like: 
> > 
> > 17/02/06   7.9  (@ 1300 hrs) 
> > 17/02/06   5.4  (@ 1500 hrs) 
> > 17/02/06   9.9  (@ 1700 hrs) 
> > 18/02/06   6.7  (@ 1300 hrs) 
> > 18/02/06   8.0  (@ 1500 hrs) 
> > 18/02/06   7.1  (@ 1700 hrs) 
> > 19/02/06   4.4  (@ 1300 hrs) 
> > 19/02/06   6.7  (@ 1450 hrs) 
> > 19/02/06   5.2  (@ 1800 hrs) 
> > 
> > I want to: 
> > 1.  average these results 
> > 2.  report the number of data points (readings) 
> > 3.  report the number of days over which readings were taken. 
> > 
> > I can get the average by using the AVERAGE function. 
> > I can get the number of readings by using the COUNT function. 
> > 
> > ... but, how do I get the number of days? 
> > 
> > If I use the CountA function it returns 9 days when readings were
> > recorded clearly over only 3 days. 
> > 
> > What I need is something like a COUNT-DISTINCT function. 
> > 
> > Can anyone help with a solution to this question. 
> > 
> > Many thanks,  James Elliott 
> > 
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Perhaps you could set up a column and enter A2-A1 (assuming the dates are in
col A.  Copy that down and you should have "zeros" where the date stayed the 
same and "ones" where the date changed.  This column could then be summed.  I
didn't try this but it might be a start.

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