On Tue February 21 2006 11:57, + Toni Casueps wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> - I have Writer documents linked to MS Access databases. I can retrieve
> data from Access tables and queries, but not if those queries use
> functions. This functions are defined in the same mdb file where the
> queries are, and they work ok if I open them from Access, but not when
> called from OpenOffice.
> - I want to display data in the Writer document from two linked tables
> of the database. One of them (child) has a column which references the
> primary key of the other one (parent). I know how to get data from a
> single table or query but not from something like this.

As you are not subscribed you may not have seen that:
On Wed February 22 2006 04:00, Ross Johnson wrote:
> In your OOo Form/Subform properties in the Data tab, do you specify a
> Table, Query, or SQL as the content type? I think if you specify SQL,
> and type or paste the actual MS Access query (with functions) into the
> content box, then the query will be sent directly as a pass-through
> query and interpreted by MS Access.
> The setup for the master/slave linking should use the names or aliases
> derived from the form/subform queries to link the master field in the
> form to the slave field in the subform.
> This all assuming that you're connecting via ODBC to MS Access, because
> I don't think OOo can read MDB files directly yet. If you're reading the
> MDB file directly somehow then this is not going to help.
> This is just a guess - I can't check if what I'm saying is at all
> useful.

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CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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