Cosette Michael wrote:


I unpacked your program and check off Word/Excess/powerpoint, but now I can not 
find them? I'm trying to use word and I do not know where it is after I 
unpacked your program. Please help!


I believe the boxes you checked might be the ones asking if you want to open your MS Office files when you double-click on those. The equivalent parts of are (as someone else responded) Writer, Calc, and Impress. What those boxes you checked do is allow you to double-click on a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file and open it in Writer, Calc, or Impress instead. It *doesn't* install Word, Excel, or PowerPoint on your computer.

If you need to find your newly-installed word processor, and you're using Windows, check in your Start menu for a folder called " 2.0"; inside there should be a shortcut for Writer. If you're using Mac or Linux, let us know so someone else who uses it can guide you.

Good luck,

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