On Sun, 2006-03-05 at 03:47 -0800, STEPHEN CARROLL wrote:
> I would like to download openoffice but don't know what to choose for the 
> Download site.  There are six USA choices available and I don't know the 
> implication of selecting any one of them.  I would appreciate your help.

You can use any site on the planet, but usually you choose the nearest
to you. The implications for you are simply speed - some sites get more
hits than others and so may be slower, or they may have a lower capacity
connection to the internet. If you're internet environmentally conscious
then you might pick the nearest one so as to save transmitting volume
over large distances. However, most, if not all, ISPs maintain caches
anyway, so the chances are, if you pick a popular site then someone else
in your area has caused it to be cached locally at your ISP, and you
will in reality (transparently) be getting it from there.

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