I don't think MS users has a choice. Once you switch to MS or upgrade to the 
new MS version, YOU ARE STUCK.... that's how they make a lot of money...

Robin Laing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Fred A. Miller wrote:
> One would expect this.
> Fred
> http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/3517/106/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
For users around here, 10 years behind is an improvement if "they" can 
"control" what the software "does" to their work. MS Office is a big 
problem with many workers around here. They cannot get the formatting 
to work the way they want and need. There are those times that MS 
Office decides to change the formatting of a document and won't undo. 
Have you ever heard a grown man scream after 3 hours of work just 
went down the tubes because of this? It isn't pleasant.

Sure MS is making many major changes in their next version of Office 
but if the reports are correct, it won't sell with workers if their 
productivity is greatly affected. How many workers will complain and 
want to go back to the "Old Version?"

Are gadgets too complex for us?

Robin Laing

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