You do a 500 seat install and need support, we will happliy provide it at $35.00 per call -- we might even be williing to arrange the rollout and training -- for a fee -- how about 50% of your up front cost of an MSO upgrade :)

Spitfire Computer Services
441 Beaver Street
Suite 202
Sewickley, PA 15143
Phone (412) 749-0162
Fax: (412) 749-0203

On Mar 7, 2006, at 4:54 PM, Joe Hogan wrote:

Another problem is a lack of support. What 800 number do you call at 2 am

on Saturday night to get tech support for your 500 seats of
I know the one to call if it's a problem with MSO. Granted it will cost
$35 a hour (or more) to call them - but it's there.

This is an argument that even I can anbswer too, the non-techie ;-)

You say that there is no support? True. But then, Linux had nothign for the longest time, and then a handful on companies tossed their name in the
ring: RedHat.

There is a CRM software that I use called SugarCRM.  It is out there,
availabel for free. But, they also offer paid support for the clients,
should they desire technical support.

I would say that as it gets accepted more and more, some entreprenurial
person will take off with this.

A help desk company for OO. It will happen, it is just a matter of time.

My 2cents worth


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