On Mon March 13 2006 02:19, Marcos Paulo Veloso Correia wrote:
> Dear coleagues,
> I´m terrified!
No reason to be.

> At 18:10, today, I subscribed to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> At 18:11, I received an email from the "ezmlm program" asking to confirm my
> intention to subscribe by sending a blank message to
> org ,which I did at 18:16.
> Still at 18:16, I received the welcome email, and, at 18:24, I sent my
> question to the group.
> Strangely enough, I received a failure notice from 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] org  with the following:
> "Ezmlm-reject: fatal: Sorry, I don't accept commands in the subject line.
> Please send a message to the -help address shown in the the
> ``Mailing-List:' header for command info (#5.7.0)". Commands??? Which
> commands? I decided to try sending the question email again (now at 22:06),
> and it worked all right .. At least it seemed so.

The above is unrelated to the following :

> I just received the two following emails:
> (1) From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  , sent at 22:07:
> Your attempt to contact a National Bank staff member via email was
> unsuccessful because this person does not have Internet email facilities.
>    Message: B4414c5a30000.000000000001.0001.mml
>    From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    Subject: [users] Help!
This was the mail you sent to the list on asking for help files.
Obviously Brian Williams was on the mailing list at one point but his account 
may be disabled for some reason. I've now removed him from the mailing list.

CPH : openoffice.org contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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