On Monday March 13 2006 02:33 am, Jon Molnar wrote:
> I'm authoring a book as one long .odt document with the eventual goal of
> converting it to a .pdf and publishing it through Lulu.com. My question
> is as follows: I want to have numbering applied to the pages starting
> with the prologue (not the title page, dedication page, or blank pages
> between) and continuing until the end, after which there should be a few
> more blank pages. I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this.
> I keep ending up with either the first page unnumbered and all the rest
> numbered, or all the pages numbered. It seems to be a side-effect of the
> required "next style" attribute to a page style. Is there some way to
> override this behavior, maybe with some tricky break between these hree
> sections? I feel like I've tried everything.
> Hope someone can help.
> --
> Jon Molnar
> (805) 428-8279

     I suggest you get some of the chapters of the Writer's Guide which is 
available in *.odt format at
Specifically, you need to study the chapter on Styles. (It explains how to 
reset page numbers.) Another important chapter is the one on Master 
Documents.  You may find other chapters useful also.


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