There are certainly work-arounds, and in the scheme of things, my complaint  
pales compared to people who can't get OOo loaded at all, can't get envelopes 
to  print no matter what they try, etc.
But still -- It doesn't seem like a great situation. I really like the  
default print ranges, in most cases they work well, and they have an advantage  
that if I add a few rows, the range automatically expands to include the new  
rows. When I define a range, it often happens, due to my mental lack of  
astuteness I'm sure :), that I'll add a few rows and then forget to change the  
print range, and I don't realize it until I've wasted some paper and ink.
I also like having the ability to define a range when I wish to, for those  
sheets where I don't want the range chosen by default (ie, for those sheets, I  
don't want everything printed, I want to dictate what range gets printed). 
So the situation is that I can't do both in the same spreadsheet. If I have  
a 20-sheet worksheet, and the default range is what I want for 19 of the 
sheets,  and I want to define a range for the 20th sheet, I will lose the 
range  for the other 19, and need to define a range for each one. Just doesn't 
seem  right to me, but that must just be how I approach things.
Thanks for the responses anyway.
In a message dated 3/13/2006 2:49:55 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, Joe Conner  

Print ranges have "DEFINE", "EDIT" and "ADD"  commands.  For the second page, 
when you define
its print range use  "ADD" then you have what you are asking for.

Ross Johnson  wrote:  
On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 06:08 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  wrote:


I've observed something that seems odd or at least unexpected in  Calc.


I create a spreadsheet, with content on two of the sheets (Sheet1 and  



First, I don's set any print ranges. When I print, or do a print preview,  

from either sheet, a default range is established by Calc that includes all 

my content. Good, this is what I would hope for.


Second, I go into Sheet1 and manually set a print range. Sheet1 prints with  

that range. Also good, this is what should happen.


Third, I go to Sheet2, and don't set any manual range. Now nothing prints  

from Sheet2. Not good! Why does setting a print range in Sheet1 seem to wipe 

 the default print range in Sheet2?


Can anyone else verify this behaviour? Is this an intentional feature, and  

if so, what would be the rationale for it?


I haven't explicitly verified it, but I'm not unhappy about that

behaviour. It does seem natural to me that if I define a print range,

that that would be just what I want printed. I recently defined print

ranges in a 12 sheet spreadsheet and didn't think twice about it, didn't

even think that it feels odd to do that. In fact, I kind of expected to

have to do it that way.

Maybe if it was the other way around I'd get used to it just as easily.



Dick Detwiler, Webster, NY

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