
Here is what I would like :
I would like a user to be prompted for a password in order to execute some
macros. (The user musst be free to execute some others macro too)

In details : I have a OO writer document that contains some forms that interacts
with an openoffice database.
Some of the forms in the document are used to search in the database and to
display results. This is a feature that musst be accessible to any user.
Some others forms are used to insert data in the database. The access to thoses
forms (or the macro that are behind them) musst be restricted to authorized
people only (a simple password).

Is it a way to do that ?
Since I can't find any info about that on google, I was planning to use 2
differents OO writers documents. One with the "select" forms that would be
available to everyone, and an other document which would be password protected,
and that would contains "insert" forms...

Thanks for your help.
Sorry for the bad english.


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