I have setup server with a K12LTSP distro using the Fedora Core 4 version.

Comes with OpenOffice built in with each user (50 thin clients, but almost 600 users) having immediate access to OpenOffice via links in the Applications menu.

it works, but is slower to load than the Staroffice7 package that I loaded with the /net option. This puts a complete copy of staroffice7 in the /opt folder, then each user can run a little script which copies a small amount (around 2-4 Mb I think) of files into their home directories, allowing each user to customize settings/etc. This must be done for each user that wants to use StarOffice, whereas OpenOffice has the links already configured and ready in their Applications menu the very first time they log in. A problem I have with StarOffice is that even though I have run the workstation install script for most users, the default application for opening .sx* files or .doc files, etc is still OpenOffice. In order to open files in StarOffice instead users either have to go into SO first then File Open, or right click on file, then Open With... soffice

I believe, but could be wrong, that the reason StarOffice loads faster is because it has those "workstation" files in each user's home directory. When 30+ users all start OpenOffice at the same time at the start of a class lesson, it hangs frequently or is brutally slow. StarOffice is noticably faster and almost never hangs

One of the other reasons I like StarOffice is that it has more features like much more in the Gallery, for instance. But it has that nagging need to run the setup script once fore each user.

Is there a way to either copy the workstation files for OpenOffice to the user's home directories, like StarOffice does (and I would live with the lesser features) or make StarOffice the default application for opening the appropriate files

any and all help greatly appreciated.  Sorry for the long post


We qualify for the full version of StarOffice as we are an educational institution. Can anyone give me a reason to choose OpenOffice (pre-configured with most every distro) as opposed to StarOffice (feature rich but problematic to properly configure)?

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