On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 09:25 +0000, Maria Osman wrote:
> Hello,
> A member of staff would like to have Open Office installed on some of 
> our machines on the network. Just a query really to have feedback from 
> you as to whether there are any licencing issues involved in doing so.

Just to summarise and add to what others have already said:-

There are no up-front or recurrent or hidden fees or charges. There are
no restrictions on normal use irrespective of whether you are a private
individual or a profit or non-profit making corporation or government

The only restriction is that there is no support offered by Sun for Open
Office. If you need support then you should consider buying StarOffice,
which is the same as OpenOffice but with some additions including
support. For OpenOffice, there are forums like this one and others, or
you can usually buy support from independent providers.

>From your domain you appear to be a school. You are free to distribute
copies of Open Office to your staff, students or their relatives and
friends, and anyone else who would like to use it. You may charge a fee
to cover your costs in doing so, or even to make a profit for your
school if you like.

If you sell or distribute copies, then the license may require you to
inform your recipients where they can acquire the software themselves if
they wish to. I say "may", because I'm not sure if that only applies to
software developers distributing modified versions of the software, or

I'm sure others will correct any misunderstandings on my part in the

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