Dawie wrote:

>  Is there anyway I can import it into openoffice -  and if possible on both 
> pc and mac.

Importtion depends upon the current formt of the dictionary you have. 
You will have to convert it to plain text, then run it thru the
program that creates HunSpelll dictionaries, or MySpell dictionaries.

Before going thru that process, I'd suggest  looking at the existing
Afrikaans dictionry.  [Hopefully all of the bugs it had, have been
removed. ( The most blatant one was the absence of the word "die"  I
don't  remember if it handles  "  'n " correctly, or not.  (handled
incorrectly here, because I don't want to switch keyboards.) ]

> Any ideas or does this need some serious coding?

translate.org.za is creating dictionaries, amongst other things, for
all of the official languages of Azania.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

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