On Mon, 27 Mar 2006, Dan Lewis wrote:
    Peter was talking about a Microsoft program that will view PowerPoint
files. ...

Actually, the original message was about any program which will view powerpoint files. The so-called viewer from the MS site only runs on Windows and though the original message did not mention which operating system was being used on can infer that it wasn't MS:

MS Office comes pre-installed on most new Windows computers, and those that don't soon end up with MS Office anyway, so it's improbable that the MS 'Viewer' is relevant in this case.

... The OP only wanted a way to look at a PowerPoint slide show. He does not need an entire office suite to do this.

Correct, but it is about the only option in this case. A better way would be for the powerpoint to be saved as flash or PDF. But that would require the poster of the original message to negotiate that with the creator of the powerpoint.

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