buzan wrote:
We primarily use 'office writer', 'Outlook Express, the world wide web and
DVD's on our laptop computer which is relatively new.  For the first few
months there were no problems and we were pleased with our purchase.
However, recently, the office writer crashes every single time I use it,
unsolicited e-mails, spam etc. are coming through despite having Zone Alarm
and Norton Antivirus and being on broadband and the whole computer just
completely turns off by itself for no apparent reason when the children are
watching DVD's on it.  It is upsetting and frustrating.

Can you tell me what may have gone  wrong and how can it be fixed?  Thank

This has nothing to do with OpenOffice but on how Windows is configured on your computer.

When you connect a Windows computer, or any computer to the Internet, you have connected to a world where some people will do anything they can to make your computer do what "they" want it to.

Do some searching using Google on "adware", "spyware" and "virus" cleaning on your computer. Even in a large corporation, this happens all the time with expert IT personal.

There are basic rules on preventing many attacks but they are your responsibility to fix and protect. I for one will not use Internet Explorer or Outlook on any of "my" computers as they both have critical holes that many of the bad guys know about. I use Firefox and Thunderbird.


The first line of defence against all of this starts at home. Just looking at an email message from one spammer can confirm your email address for many spammers. They use tricks that confirm email addresses.

Don't feel bad about accusing the wrong people for your computer problems. It happens even in the corporate world. This is a funny story.

Oklahoma man asks Reg to turn off the internet
Robin Laing

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