Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
> Clair Johnston wrote:
>> I don't understand what is so hard about putting a date next to the
>> edition number on the web site.  Those of us who "use" OOo don't give a
>> "rats a.." about the version number and can't remember it and shouldn't
>> be expected to try to find it.  A date lets us know that it recent or
>> old and we can get back to our business.  Having been a developer in
>> previous life, I understand that developers live and die by version
>> numbers.  As a user, I want to know if I have the latest.  If I don't,
>> I'll go get it.
> It's not difficult. It just takes time for someone to do it, especially
> in the long lists of chapters for the OOoAuthors guides (for which I am
> responsible). And some of us volunteers are so over-committed that we
> just don't get around to the "nice to have" things. I agree it's a good
> idea to have the dates and plan to add that to the OOoAuthors page...
> I've often wanted that myself on other parts of the OOo website... but
> to me it's a "nice to have" compared with some of the other things that
> need doing.
> --Jean

Thanks Jean,

I fully understand the time and over committed issues.  I see that the
web pages appear to be in more or less pure html which reduces any
automation of date and time information.  Pages that I do are usually
written using PHP which makes picking up date and time from a target
file very easy but it does complicate page generation.

Let me take the time to thank you and all the other volunteers for the
outstanding program and documentation.  I have found all the answers to
my questions either via this newsgroup or thru the Docs.  Maybe if
others read the Docs first some of the volunteers time would be freed up
to work on the "nice to have"s.

Just a thought,

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