hi. i am trying to set up a database but i am new to open office. 
i have entered all my data into a table (it is an address book) and i need help 
with the following:

1. How do i print my information? i have tried turning it into a report, but i 
couldn't get it to work very well.

2. How do i use the information in my address book to set up a mailing list, so 
that i can select certain people and print their addresses onto labels or 

3. How do i get a total of all the records that have certain details? For 
example, if I have a list of people with different ages, how do I find 
subtotals of each of the age groups as well as a grand total of everyone?

4. How do I incorporate number 3 (from above) in my report??

If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

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