Steve Biggs Design írta:
I have downloaded your program, it it FANTASTIC.

I have a questions about the templates. I have downloaded a couple of templates 
- balance sheet, lettes, excellence awars, cover sheet, newsletter, time sheet 
and trifold brochure - and I need some help in trying to get them to work, I 
have tried and tried but I just can't seem to get them to work.

Any help would be appreciated.

Steve Biggs
put it in /opt/Openoffice.org2.0/share/templates/<your language> in Linux
or C:\Program Files\Openoffice.org2.0\share\templates\<your language> in Windows. The you can open the from File-New-Templates... Optionally you can download my Premium derivate, that already contains templates galleries and fonts. It's free like the general OOo. (This time only EN-US and HU versions are available)


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