On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 11:24 +0100, CPHennessy wrote:
> On Wed March 29 2006 07:10, + chris feltner wrote:
> > hey im just asking but is anyone having porblems oping the first 1.25
> > millon numbers in pi. it just does the splash screen and stops there when i
> > try to open it but it opens other files just fine
> That may be a performance problem with OpenOffice.org.
> If you have a chance maybe leave OOo work on opening it for as long as it 
> needs, just to see what is the time. Also it may be worth opening a bug 
> report if you consider the time excessive.
> Please reply to users@openoffice.org only

Chris and CP,

I recall a message from some time ago on one of the lists, possibly
users, that acknowledged that printing a string of that size was not
possible without inserting paragraph breaks. I also recall that there
was a suggestion that other tools were more appropriate for this
particular task. I tried searching for this but after 45 minutes have
given up; so I suggest, Chris, that you split the string into paragraphs
of something like page size if you really want to use OOo.
OpenOffice.org Documentation Co-Lead

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