On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 14:00 +0100, shane wrote:
> wonder if you could help me with a problem that seams to have come out of the 
> blue - using  open office 2.0.1 on a dell dimension 5000 windows xp home 
> edition - i use the spreadsheet with a password for my banking as i say on 
> opening the file today instead of going to password it takes me to a box that 
> is headed ASCII Filter Options - what ever i enter or not enter it appears to 
> take me to open office writer and put a load of nonsence letters symbols on 
> screen - tried reloading file from a backup file on dvd and uninstalling and 
> reinstalling open office any ideas 
> Shane

It sounds like OOo is no longer recognising your Calc document as an OOo
file. Could it have become corrupted somehow? Did you save as a .ods

OOo documents are actually ZIP files, so you might see if WinZIP (say)
can expand it. You may need to change the name to add a .zip extension.
You should see a hierarchy of files and subfolders if it's still
recognisable as a ZIP file.


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