On 4/15/2006 1:21 PM Dan Lewis spoke:
On Friday April 14 2006 12:37 am, Celeste Marinovich wrote:
I have been waiting for later versions of Open Office to see if this
problem is corrected. In Open Office Calc spreadmsheets,when you are in
a file, (say the 'target file') and link to another file (say: the
source file), then change figures in the source file, the target file
figures do not update. This is still happening in Version 2.02.


Celeste Marinovich

Remember that the target file is linked to the source file on the hard drive. It is not linked to what you see on the screen which is located in RAM. To update the link, you must
1) Save the source file.
2) Edit > Links (This opens the Edit Links window.)
3) Click the Update button.
4) Click Close to close the Edit Links window.

An easier way is "Tools/Update/Update all".

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