On 17 Apr 2006, at 12:07, Ross Johnson wrote:

> True. I downloaded an otf file and spadmin doesn't see it. However, I
> tried the blunt approach and renamed the font file to .ttf (because the
> OTF format is supposed to be based on the TTF format), just so spadmin
> can see it, and OOo appears to be able to work with the glyphs OK, as
> far as my testing went. This was an arabic font set, and I used "Insert
> - Special Character" to drop the glyphs into a Writer document.

But doing that means that OO.o cannot see any glyphs above 256. I need 
all the glyphs. If I didn't need all the glyphs I wouldn't have paid a couple 
thousand dollars for Adobe Pro fonts. 

This is a showstopper for me. It's a very serious issue. It means I'm going 
to have to wipe out Linux, install Windows, and then use WordPerfect. All 
the work I've done for the past several months is going to have to be 
converted. All the effort I put into learning how to use Linux and OO.o is 
down the drain.

I just can't believe that OpenType replaced TrueType and Type 1 years ago 
and OO.o still can't use them. Did the developers think we were all still 
using daisy wheel printers? I wouldn't have kept using OO.o except that I 
assumed all along that it was just a matter of getting it properly configured. 
It's just unbelievable that it's so many years behind.

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