Andy Pepperdine wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 April 2006 01:06, Ross Johnson wrote:
>> On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 17:52 -0400, Bill Hartwell wrote:
>>> Ross Johnson wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 06:48 -0400, Bill Hartwell wrote:
>>>>> I'm using OO on a Gentoo system, and when I try to use spadmin to
>>>>> import fonts from my system font folders, it segfaults as shortly
>>>>> after I enter the path to the font folders. It's almost as if it's
>>>>> trying to read teh fonts in and hits an upper limit on how many fonts
>>>>> it can handle, and instead of processing that many fonts, it simply
>>>>> segfaults, thus importing ZERO fonts.
>>>> Sounds plausible but how many fonts are in that folder? I don't think
>>>> spadmin "processes" the font files except to copy them eventually, but
>>>> it sounds like you haven't got that far yet - you appear to be at the
>>>> stage where spadmin builds the list of fonts, from which you will then
>>>> select the ones to import. I think it's only dealing with file names so
>>>> far. Are there any particularly weird file names in the folder?
>>> Not really. Just 1025 ttf files copied over from my old Windows font
>>> folder. I made sure to just copy the ttf files over, so there wouldn't
>>> be a problem with fon files.
>> Hmmm. It wouldn't be the first time someone has hard coded a size of
>> 1024 for an array :) But at least there's an obvious workaround if this
>> is the problem.
> Could it be that this is too long for the window manager? Have you tried 
> importing fewer at a time?

I've cut the size of the directory down by deleting some files, and get
the same, but who knows what will happen if I try a different directory.

I don't believe it's an X problem, though, because I can access the
fonts from every application on my system EXCEPT OO.

"There's a difference between getting money for what you do and doing it
for money. If you don't do it for love, or because you think it needs
doing, get out and let somebody else do it. If nobody else does it,
maybe that means it shouldn't be done." Emma Bull, Bone Dance

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