On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 15:31:22 -0700, Bruce Byfield wrote:

> On Mon, 2006-24-04 at 17:18 -0400, Laurent Duperval wrote:
>> > 
>> > 
>> Well, it doesn't for me. Do you have a sample document that does this
>> and works? If so, can you email it to me so I can compare with what I
>> do?
> What version are you using? 2.0.0 had a bug that is exactly what you
> describe. It is corrected in later versions.

Hi Bruce,

Cool articles. 

I am using 2.0.2. 

I see that Stephen Bosch just posted a question about the same exact

... Wait.... Yeah, it seems like it works at home but not at the office.
So it looks like at the office I am still on an older version. I will
check tomorrow.

Thanks for the tip,


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