On Monday May 1 2006 10:43 am, Ross Johnson wrote:
> Walter Hildebrandt wrote:
> >Ross Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Dan Lewis wrote:
> >>On Saturday April 29 2006 06:30 pm, Walter Hildebrandt wrote:
> >>>Dan Lewis  wrote:  On Friday April 28 2006 05:09 pm,
> >>
> >>Walter Hildebrandt wrote:
> >>>>"G. Roderick Singleton"  wrote:  On Fri,
> >>>
> >>>2006-04-28 at 12:32 -0700, Walter Hildebrandt wrote:
> >>>>>>In Dreamweaver "named anchors" are used for making links in html
> >>>>>>files.  Is there a way to add named anchors in a OO Writer file?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Probably but I have no idea whatsoever what Dreamweaver is or does.
> >>>>>Chances are others are in the same boat so perhaps you would be so
> >>>>>kind as to give a good description of what you want.
> >>>>
> >>>> Macromedia's Dreamweaver is a software program to manage  websites.
> >>>>I want to create links that have their anchor in a  Writer text
> >>>> file. The link will start from a different files that  where the
> >>>> anchor is located.
> >>>
> >>>    There is a way to do this that is explained in help. Enter
> >>>"cross-references;inserting with Navigator" in the search box under
> >>> the Index tab of Help.
> >>>    My interpretation of these instructions:
> >>>Document A contains the text that you want to link to (it is the
> >>>"anchor"). Document B is the document in which you want a link back
> >>> to the text in Document A.
> >>>1) Open both Documents A and B.
> >>>   a) Insert a bookmark at the beginning of the text in Document A
> >>> you want to be your anchor. Give it the name that you want to appear
> >>> in Document B as a hyperlink.
> >>>2) Open the Navigator window in Document B.
> >>>3) Right click Bookmarks Select Drag Mode > Insert as Hyperlink.
> >>>4) At the bottom of the Navigator window, change Document B (active)
> >>> to Document A (inactive) in the drop down list. (Document B is still
> >>> open.) 5)Click the "+" in front of Bookmarks. (This opens all of the
> >>> bookmarks you have in Document A.)
> >>>6) Drag the bookmark to where you want it in Document B.
> >>>    There are other part of the Navigator list that you can hyperlink
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>from Document B to Document A also. The one thing you can not
> >>> hyperlink
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>between documents is any References.
> >>>
> >>>Dan
> >>>
> >>> Thank you Dan.  It works.  Is there a way of converting the index to
> >>>html and have it work on the Internet?
> >>
> >>    I am not sure what you want to do. You might want to experiment a
> >>little with these steps to see. It might be well worth the try.
> >>
> >>Dan
> >
> >If you're developing a website, another section in Help that you should
> >see is "hyperlinks;relative and absolute" to understand what is
> >happening automagically, and probably other subsections under
> > "hyperlinks".
> >
> >  I am confused by the Help information.  I did the Tools   -  Options 
> > -  Load/Save   -    General.  In the "Save URLs relative to" section
> > both the "File  System" and "Internet" have check marks.  What does
> > this indicate  and what is the significance of it?
> I must admit that I'm confused as well after experimenting with them.
> The explanation of these in Help for the Load/Save General dialog (press
> F1 or click the Help button on this dialog) seems clear enough, but I'm
> having trouble finding examples that conform to what the Help says
> should occur on saving. That is, I can't seem to change the way that
> URLs are saved by checking or unchecking these options. I must be
> missing something.
> Ross

     Here is an example that might help. This is for the "Internet" part. 
The "File System" should work similarly.
     Default or absolute path to this audio file:
Putting this into any web browser will access this file.
     Suppose I want to put a link to this file in the index file of the 
2006 folder. I could use the address above, or I could use a relative 
address. The relative address would be ../2006/audio/dd060501.ram. When I 
saved this file using OOo on a Linux system, the link appeared to be
file:///home/2006/audio/dd060501.ram. However, when I inserted it into the
http://www.delewis.com/devotionals/personal/2006/ folder, it became
eventhough the actual link in the source code was still
     Here is the breakdown of what the relative address means for my 
../ (go up to the parent folder) 2006 (enter the 2006/ subfolder)  /audio 
(enter the audio subfolder)  dd060501.ram (get this file).



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