Ross Johnson wrote:
Marc Schwartz wrote:

Malcolm Kay wrote:

Running OO under FreeBSD 5.4

I import an encapsulated postscript diagram from file into OO-2.0 and it displays as a rectangle with some information about and from the file in red text. Not too unexpected!

But then when I ask for a page preview it still does not expand the eps code.

Much worse; if I export as a pdf document and the only the information -- not the diagram -- appears in the pdf output.

Mostly I like OO but how do I get around this? Have I overlooked a switch/option somewhere.

Malcolm Kay

There are some relevant bugs that have been filed on these issues, both with

The above issue appears to be fixed in OOo 2.0.2 (The issue is tagged FIXED with Milestone 2.0.2 - and, as I mentioned in a previous post, works for me with OOo 2.0.2 on Fedora Core 3 Linux).

Just to be clear. This is no longer (in 2.0.2) just a bitmapped preview, but an EMF (not EPS) vector rendering _if_ pstoedit or ImageMagick's convert is present on the system during the import. Otherwise, it "falls back" to the bitmapped preview from GS.

That's my reading of both bug reports and the patch provided by Caolan and updated by others. In other words, you are not seeing native EPS rendering in, but a (vastly) improved (and presumably smaller) vector based preview image.

I am (clearly) not on 2.0.2 yet. I am on 2.0.1, which is the latest available (via FC channels) for FC4. I presume that you installed from the tarball since FC3 is EOL and the Fedora Legacy folks are providing security patches and not functional updates?

2.0.2 is available with FC5 (both of which were just released in the past month), which I have not yet updated to due to lack of time.

In the mean time, I do have my workarounds, which are available to others as well, who do not want to or cannot upgrade for any reasons at present.

and at RH by me:

Again, appears to be fixed in 2.0.2. I used the standard PDF export and it renders fine in Adobe Reader. I did not try printing it though, but if Adobe Reader can render it then it should print.

So, if you can, the solution would be to upgrade to OOo 2.0.2.

Again, let's be clear. What is being exported to the PDF is the EMF preview image (again not native EPS or even PDF) when and if pstoedit or convert was present during the initial EPS import into I don't see any indication that the default PDF export functionality has been changed. It is the preview generating process that has been improved. Otherwise, as before, lacking pstoedit or convert, it will be the bitmapped preview image that will be exported to the PDF.

That is consistent with the related bug report here:

Note the discussions there about how pdfLaTeX handles the inclusion of embedded PDF files (ie. using \includegraphics) into the final document and why does not.

This change in the preview generating process is clearly positive and a step forward. One should also be clear though, that if you want the "best" quality image in a final document, it will be with an EPS based image, not the EMF based preview image. That is presumably why you generated the EPS image in the first place, right?

EPS will be better than EMF in many cases where details are critical to the final document quality. Thus, the use of the PDF Converter "printer" (essentially a Distiller type driver) will still be a preferred option in many cases if your target is a PDF file. Alternatively, print to a PS file and then use ps2pdf, which is an extra step outside

Of course, if you are just displaying to the screen using Impress for example, the new EMF preview will likely provide a satisfactory result in most cases given the lower device resolution on the screen versus paper.

The solution to the EPS preview is to be sure that the 'Preview' checkbox in the insert picture from file dialog (lower left hand corner by the 'Link' checkbox) is checked. This will generate a bitmapped preview image on import. This is new with 2.x.

This may also have been improved because I don't see any pixelation (jaggies yes, because it doesn't appear to be antialiased) on a screen 1600 x1200 at 600% zoom.

Presumably because you have convert installed (which you would on an FC3 system) and are seeing the EMF vector preview images (not native EPS rendering) versus the former bitmapped preview images.

Thanks Ross.


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