You probably learned that you were "pretty smart" when you "began" to
realize, while you were "setting" there typing your message, that you indeed
do need a proper grammar checker.

I hope you do find something within OpenOffice or it's many additions....


I'm sure you made it hard to download software that someone might be able
to integrate into your office package for a reason, but for the life of me I
can't figure out why. I'm a programmer and writer and I'm pretty smart, but
I can not find a way to download gravix (the English language Grammar

Now if that thing could be integrated into the Office Package it(the
office package) would began to be competition for Office. I know a lot of
writers who would kick the office habit, but we like to have a little up
front help with "Proper" grammar.

If you can get over the "Hide it and laugh at the fools who try anyway"
attitude I may be able to help in that endeavor. Of course I could just
delete the Office suite and forget the whole thing. That way I wouldn't be
setting here typing a message to someone I don't know I could be writing on
my next short story or novel instead.

Frank Pickle

Allan Knodel
3544 Country Pines Dr
Westbank BC V4T 1C2
tel 250-768-4850

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