On Wednesday May 3 2006 03:36 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
> On Tue, 02 May 2006 11:49:12 -0600
> Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> > The problem with Linux...
> <snip>
> I suggest you stop using this list to bash your pet peeve, because it is
> Off Topic. Use this energy to make something right, not to moan about
> something you perceive as wrong.
> "And thats all i'm going to say about thaaat."
>  - Forest Gump

     Then, Michael, please remove the statement about teachers that follows 
your name. Feel free to use it anytime or place you please except for this 
mailing list.  I say this because it is a false statement. Secondly, it 
bashes teachers just as Lobo bashes Linux distributions.


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