you have to use ctrl-v to paste inside an x11 window -- so if you are copying from a Mac application you use cmd-c (as usual) and then paste using cnrl-v.

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On May 3, 2006, at 1:57 PM, Jeromy Darling wrote:

I got it working now, thanks for the help. New problem though, I can't paste anything into a Calc spreadsheet - can't find anything on the support forums about it either, any thoughts?

G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 12:42 -0500, Jeromy Darling wrote:

Thanks for getting back to me, I installed the X11 but it still won't open for me. I dragged it to my Applications folder, than to my Dock, it opens for a second, than closes - I run a intel mac (the MacBook Pro) - so neoffice is out for me.

Not necessarily. There is a Mac/Intel version at that you might
like to test. I say test since it is in RC but not yet released.
SKuttlebut is that it works quite reasonably.

CPHennessy wrote:

On Mon April 17 2006 00:43, + Jeromy Darling wrote:

 [ MODERATED ] ***********************
Can't figure out how to open the dang program. I added to my
applications folder, but when I open it, nothing really happens. I right clicked and viewed the content of the folder and found a whole world in there, but still can't seem to find where I open the word editor or
spreadsheet editor. Sorry I'm such a newbie!

As you are not subscribed you may not have seen that:
On Tue April 18 2006 00:58, John W. Kennedy wrote:

What you say suggests that you are using a Macintosh, and I see that you sent your e-mail from a Macintosh, so I will assume that to be the case.

There are two versions of for the Mac. One is written to use the Unix part of MacOS X; you must install the X11 part of MacOS X from your CD-ROM to use it. (X11 is the part of Unix that does windows and stuff. Since MacOS X has its own Mac-flavored windows, it normally leaves X11 out, since it is only needed to run windowing Unix programs.)

The other is called NeoOffice (or NeoOffice/J). It uses Java to run as a normal MacOS program, and would probably be easier for you to use. See <URL:>. (Note, however, that it does not, at present, run on Intel Macs, and that, because it is a modified version of the original, it is a couple of versions behind.)

The long-term plan is to make a straightforward MacOS ("Cocoa") version;
but there are complications.

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