Den 2006-05-15 16:44:04 skrev Johnny Andersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Den 2006-05-14 16:19:41 skrev G. Roderick Singleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Sun, 2006-05-14 at 15:28 +0200, Johnny Andersson wrote:
I don't know, suddenly it does not just work...

I tried page styles a while ago and it worked just like expected, but now
I try to set different styles when I already wrote 6 pages.

The first page is just one line and a gif. Page 2 is a table of contents
(using the proper tools for it).
The actual text starts at page 3 and starting with that page I want pages to be numbered. Odd pages should have their page number on the right side
of the footer, even pages on the left side.

I managed to set a style for page 1, it's called First page and it is a
preset style.
I want another style for page 2, so I place the cursor somewhere in that
page and select another style.
When I move my cursor to another page and get back again, the stylist says that the selected page style is Standard! So how do I actually change the
page styles? And why could I do it with the first page and not with the
others? Do I have to select page style before writing something on them?

Maybe it's just Windows 98 that's performing a practical joke on me as
usual, maybe I should just restart my PC and try again...

Not certain what you are doing. However you can use the Text Flow tab of
any paragraph style to set new styles on a page break.

Thanks for your reply. It didn't help me in THIS case, but I learned something new, at least. I tried it, but all it did was that everytime I press Enter, there is a page break, and I don't want that to happen. Many of my paragraphs are just a few lines and it wouldn't look good with a page break after each one of them, and it would be expensive to print it out...

I will try to explain better what I am looking for:

I want different page styles for different pages, here is a faked example:

Page 1: First Page
Page 2: Table of contents
Page 3: Right page
Page 4: Left page
Page 5: Right page
Page 6: Landscape
Page 7: Landscape

All the seven pages are already written, and they contain mostly text, but some pictures and graphics are included. The landscape pages includes text and a big (wide) table, and tables are also included in some of the pages 3-5.

Now, when everything is already written, I want to create the page styles. Some of them are standard page styles, and some of them I have to create myself. So I create them and now I want to apply them on my existing pages. So I place the cursor somewhere at page 1. The stylist is already open and I click the page styles button (I am not sure if it's called page styles in English, in my Swedish version it's called "Sidformatmallar" which is "Page Format Templates" if I translate it directly). However, now I can see all my page styles. So, with my cursor placed at page 1, I double click a style called "First Page". This works great. Now, I have a table of contents at page 2. I place the cursor somewhere in it and double click a style called "Table of contents". Then I click in page 2 again, but now the stylist tells me that "Standard" is selected. "Well", I think, "maybe it's something with tables of contents, I'll deal with that later"... So now, I place the cursor somewhere in the text of page 3, I then double click the style "Right page". That style is created so that next page will be "Left page", so now page 4 use the style "Left page". The problem is that also page 2 use that style!

I might have come to something that reminds of a explanation: When I do a page break, I press Ctrl+Enter. Maybe I should use the Manual Break dialog instead?

Or maybe I just can't wait until everything is already written, to assign a page style to a page? I am not quite sure what is going on, anyway, and Help doesn't give me much help either...

When I tried this, yesterday, I also tried to make a landscape page style, but it failed. It was still in portrait mode, but I KNOW this will work, because I have done it before, only a few weeks ago. The question is what I did THEN, that I don't do NOW...

I tried again now, and here is a funny thing:
I made it work somewhat better now, when I changed the "next style" setting of the page styles:
First Page -> Table of contents
Table of contents -> Right page
Right page -> Left page
Left page -> Right page

However, now I tried to set page 6 to the Landscape page style. What do you think happened? I have tried this several times now, same result every time: Page 1 (!!!!) turns to Landscape, all other pages are unaffected... (except that things on page 1 moves to page 2 since there is not room enough for it on a landscape page. Obviously I am doing something VERY wrong here, but what?

I noticed that I got more replies on this one, maybe I should have them checked out before writing this, we'll see...

Thanks for all replies!


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