The first thing I would do is to check the size of the actual .sxw file. If the size is 0kb you are out of luck. If not, your work is probably still in there, somewhere! If the size looks appropriate, you might try to "Repair" the OOo installation on your computer. Go to "Add/Remove Programs" in Control Panel, highlight OOo and click Uninstall. You should get a dialog box asking whether you want to Remove, Repair -or- Modify the program. Choose Repair. Be aware though, it is possible that you may lose any customizations you may have made to the interface. Possibly(probably?) not, but if you do, don't be surprised. Those are minor, your work is what is important.

If that doesn't work, try Russell Butler's suggestion. But make an EXTRA Copy of the File BEFORE you try fixing it, just in case.

A suggestion:
When *YOU* save your work(NOT the automatic saves), save it often. Save in multiple formats AND/OR save separate copies of important documents when working with OOo, especially OOo but really you should do it with ANY Word Processing program for that matter. DO NOT TRUST THE AUTOMATIC SAVE FEATURE (of any program) TO BAIL YOU OUT. Usually they will, but you should not trust them to do so. Save your work normally, then use "Save As.." Use sequential numbering or letters to rename the file, so you'll know which is the latest version. The next time you save, repeat the procedure. You'll end up with a lot of extra files, but you can delete the ones you don't need later and you just might save yourself the hassle of doing *everything* over again.

Good Luck

Johnny Andersson wrote:

I was working on a sxw document, about 30 pages. It contained a lot of text, some images, asome pieces of some spreadsheets (copied from Calc, pasted into Writer) and some more stuff.

First I had a very strange situation. After page 26, I pasted a range of cells from a spreadsheet (xls format, since it was created by someone else using Excel). Before I did that I "created" the page by inserting a page break, selecting a page style with the landscape format. This became page 27. Then I did the same thing again for another range of cells of that Excel file. I was then very surpriced to see that the new page (also landscape) showed page number 29, not 28. I tried it several times, after saving the document, but it was the same thing every time. Since I made some meaningless changes since last time I saved, I chosed to reload the last saved version. Then I got the famous Windows 98 blue screen and I restarted my PC.

Now I can't open my document at all! Everytime the same thing happens: Open Office caused an error (or something like that) and then the dialog for filling in what happened.

I worked with this document for at least 5 hours, maybe 10 and I have some kind of deadline. Is there anything I (or someone else) can do to recover my lost document?

All kinds of help are appreciated.

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