I want to create a report file by inserting several boilerplae files into one
document. I know that in MS Word, I can use Insert | File and hold the
Ctrl key down to select multiple files. But that works poorly in Word (the
files don't come in in the order selected in Word) and this doesn't work at
all in OO.o.

I have been told of a workaround in Word that uses autocorrect entries to
reference boilerplate. I don't see how to do this in OO.o Is this possible in
OO.o?  This job would be considerably easier and save time if I could just
click to assemble this set of documents from boiler plate.

Warm Regards

--David Teague

-- David Teague, cs.wcu.edu/~dbt -- Advocating Free Software and Double Bass tuned in fifths -- Classical Bass www.dennismasuzzo.com; www.silviodallatorre.com; www.joelquarrington.com -- Jazz Upright Bass Red Mitchell, home.teleport.com/~mimuma/; www.larryholloway.com/;

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