On Sat, 2006-05-20 at 16:13 +1000, John wrote:
> CPHennessy:
> I followed the instructions as outlined by Claudia Drechsie below:
> I am sorry but apart from the fact the instructions are very difficult
> to understand and follow they do not work....  
> If I want a set of page numbers that Start at 1 and go through to
> 2000 or whatever.  Yes it is fine....  But I do not.
> In fact more often than not Open Office goes into Recovery mode (I
> have downloaded version 2).  Once you have set your paragraph style
> and then attempted to 'import' the sub document. 

Please see http://documentation.openoffice.org/ Check out the Guides and
HOW-TOs particularly the guides. The user guide offers info on using
master documents as do the OOoAuthors guides. I think that once you read
one or more of these your problems will be solved.

> Okay quote:  
> You need a paragraph style that exists as well in the Master Document and
> > the sub-documents. In ths style you activate:
> > Text Flow/Breaks:  (First problem........ Text Flow / Breaks????   )
> There is no further explanation as to what paramerters you are to set.  In 
> this case we went with Page number 1 as appears to be suggested by Claudia. 
> Quote:
> This paragraph style has to be assigned to the first line of each
> > sub-document (for beeing the first paragraph it won't insert a page-break
> > at the beginning of the sub-document).
> >
>  It was and it doesn't work.... 
> This was tested on a simple 1 page sub document.  The sub document was
> provided with the same paragraph style as the master.  This style was
> applied to Heading 1 in both the Master and the sub document.  After
> Open Office 'recovered ' itself twice and imported the sub document it
> was still without any page numbering .   
> We attempted to set up the page numbering in both the sub document and
> in the Master.  Neither method works.  Apart from the Master document
> again by default providing you with numbers 1 to etc.......
> concurrently. 
> As you are not subscribed you may not have seen that:
> On Wed May 17 2006 06:28, Claudia Drechsle wrote:
> > > Hi John
> > >
> >   
> > > > > How do I assign 'unique' page numbers and Chapter Headings to
> > > > > sub-documents that are part of a Master Document?
> > >
> > > What exactly would that mean? Do you want to start each sub-document with
> > > page number 1?
> > > If that's the problem, there is this solution:
> > > You need a paragraph style that exists as well in the Master Document and
> > > the sub-documents. In ths style you activate:
> > > Text Flow/Breaks: insert with page style: (the page style that has to be
> > > used and must also exist as well in the master and sub-documents)/Page
> > > number: 1
> > > This paragraph style has to be assigned to the first line of each
> > > sub-document (for beeing the first paragraph it won't insert a page-break
> > > at the beginning of the sub-document).
> > >
> > > And what's exactly with the Chapter Headings?
> Please reply to users@openoffice.org only.

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