Marc Schwartz wrote:

I was under the impression that the image preview in 2.0.2 could be generated even if no third party tools such as Ghostscript, ImageMagick (convert) or similar were present on the system. That provides its own image preview, though in this case, only the bitmapped preview would be generated.

If the aforementioned tools were available a vector based EMF preview image would be generated.

Does your correspondent's Linux have pstoedit, convert or gs installed?

I ran OOo 2.0.2 Writer via "strace -f" on my FC3 and looked at the trace output after inserting an EPS image (which shows as a bitmap in writer). As you've said here and previously, it first tried pstoedit, which isn't on my system. It then tried "convert', which I do have, with the commandline:

/usr/bin/convert -density 300x300 eps:- png:-

I then moved convert aside and reran the strace. This time it used gs to do the conversion (to PNG).

Moving gs aside finally exhausts Writer's attempts to display a bitmapped image. It gave up and displayed the generic frame as you describe.


So, what is correct here and am I missing some other configuration option in related to the preview generation? I reviewed the Options menu tree and unless I am going blind in my middle age, I did not see anything that would be relevant here.

Any takers?


Marc Schwartz

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