> I recently had my computer serviced.  When I got it back, the 
> Microsoft
> Works program had been wiped and Open Office put on to replace 
> it.  My problem is
> that all my documents I had saved to a floppy were in  Works
> format and I can't open any of them.
> Is there some way I can use Open Office to open Microsoft Works
> documents
> without having to buy the Works software again?  (Works was
> bundled into  the
> software on my computer when I bought it, so I don't have the
> program disk  to install Works.)
> Help!

If you have a friend with a copy of Word, you can download Works
converters from:


and convert all your  files into .doc files, which can then be
processed by openoffice on your own machine. However, they are
not standalone programs, and only work with the appropriate
version on Word given on that page.

However, since it sounds as if the person who serviced your
machine did something you neither asked for nor wanted, I would
suggest you ask that person first to do the conversions for you.




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