On 6/16/06, John Jason Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 15 Jun 2006 19:17:07 -0700

[big snip... ]

getting the students to use OO.o might be the best solution. Until that
solution can be implemented, at least I can get the professors to
install and use OO.o. Then I can take their typing-challenged files and
fix them.

If you are willing to experiment a pure OOo paperless work flow I
think the following observations I did on another occasion, not on ML,
can be of help, even if not exhaustive.

I checked this small procedure in my FC5 GNU/LInux system with OOo
2.0.2 and on Win 2k OOo 2.0.3rc5: on both it seems to work.

The teacher side:
- prepare a OOo document with fields and text as required;
- now save this document with another name;
- with this new file is still open, using the menu: Tools | Options |
OpenOffice.org Security, towards the end of the dialog you see a
section titled "File sharing options for this document"; there you'll
find two check boxes and a push button. Check the box titled "Open
this document in read only mode", this will put all the document in
read only mode at the next opening, while it will still be possible to
fill, to select, etc... the controls.
Side note: this check box can be reset by the student and the file
saved with another name.
- the protected document can then be sent to the student.

The student side:
- receive the document and fill its forms;
- after that the document can be saved to another name in ODT format;
while still retaining the lock mode for the text but with the controls
saved as the student changed them.

A few additional notes:
* Even if this works, I didn't find any documentation explaining or
confirming this behavior (e.g. read only document but form contents
modifiable), so may be it works by chance. I'll have a look into the
code but this will take some time...
* The PDF export can not be used, since It appears that some of the
controls are not exported in the state the student left it.
* There is the possibility to send the form filled copy through
e-mail, but I couldn't test it because my FC5 system seems broken
there, and on Win 2k I have no mail, so you should test this
possibility by yourself.

Besides, this whole procedure needs the usual testing with a mix of
fields and text to see how the stability goes.

Kind regards,

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