On 6/27/06, Andrius Aštrauskas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 15:03:26 -0400

1. I have four outline levels in .odt document:
Heading1, Heading 2, Heading 3, and Heading four.
Is it possible in 2.0.2 or 2.0.3 to export the pdf so, that
only two levels of bookmarks - Heading1 and Heading2 - are
expanded on opening the pdf, and the rest are hidden initially?

if you are talking about the left window pane of bookmarks in Acrobat
Reader, I'm afraid OOo can not.
On 2.0.3rc you can choose to have the bookmark pane displayed on
opening the PDF, but not their maximum (or allowed) opening level,
even if PDF spec allows it.

2. Is "Export to PDF" function better in OOo 2.0.3 than 2.0.1-5?
By 'better' I mean how the text in created pdfs is rendered on screen.


Pdf files created from the same .odt document in OOo 2.0.1-5 on  Debian
Linux are rendered on screen more slowly than printed with pdf
converter (see the Mark Swartz's message in this thread) or created
with extendPDF macro. Depending on the viewer, the difference is from
unsignificant (xpdf on Debian/Linux, 'etch', PIII450/256) to very big
(Adobe Reader 7.0, on the same Debian and Adobe Reader
6.dontremember.what on Windows 98, PII300/128).
It's definitly OOo pdf export issue, noticeable - maybe - on slower
PC's. The question is if it's resolved in later versions or not.

IIRC there where changes in between releases on the PDF generation,
from the character font point of view, not sure if that can solve your
IIWY I'd try with 2.0.3rc7 if you have the possibility.

Kind regards,
Giuseppe Castagno

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