On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 22:55:41 -0500
Bobby Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 19:48 -0500, Dan Lewis wrote:
> > On Monday June 26 2006 03:29 pm, Bobby Sanders wrote:
> > > Running Linux.  OOo2 ignores the file and directory permissions as set
> > > by my operating system.  It just sets them the way it wants them.  How
> > > can I cause OOo2 to honor the permission structure set by my operating
> > > system?
> > >
> > > I don't think that OOo1 suffered from this cussed problem.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Bobby Sanders
> > 
> >      Would you be more specific as to what you mean by OOo 2.0 ignoring the 
> > file and directory permissions. We need a specific example. I just saved a 
> > HTML file in one directory with permissions set at 664. Then I did a Save 
> > As to place it into another directory. It permissions were 600. The first 
> > directory had permissions set at 755 while the second one had 700.
> > 
> > Dan
> For user joe, set Joe's umask to 0007 in ~/joe/.bashrc
> Make group, "grp"
> cd /home/joe
> mkdir testdir 
> chown joe:grp testdir
> chmod 2770 tesdir
> ls -l yields drwxrws--- joe grp testdir
> cd testdir
> Use, vi, nano, emacs, touch whatever to create testfile.
> ls -l yields just what you want, i.e
> -rw-rw---- joe grp testfile
> Now open OOo2, create testfile2.odt and save to testdir.
> ls -l yields just what you _don't_ want, i.e.
> -rw-r--r-- joe grp testdir  Ughh - terrible.
> Using terminal command line mkdir testdir2.
> ls -l yields just what you want, i.e
> drwxrws--- joe  grp  testdir2
> Now use OOo2 to create another directory, say testdir2, under testdir
> ls -l yields just what you _don't_ want, i.e.
> drwxr-sr-x.  So Ugly!
> As I mentioned, I don't think OOo1 exhibited this bizarre behavior, but
> hope I don't have to go back to OOo1 to get what I want.
> Sure hope there is simple answer and it is just some dumb mistake that I
> am making.
> Thanks in advance.
> Bobby

I was told two weeks ago that it was a problem with my os (Mandriva 2006) and 
not oo.  Thank you for a more elequent post that defines the problem 


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