Jeff Shrowder wrote:

For printing A5 'brochures' on A4 paper, on my everyday box which is still running with OOo 1.1.4 (for a variety of reasons) the following routine prevailed:
However, I'm now exploring OOo 2.0.2 which came with FC5 which I've recently installed on my laptop and it seems that at least one parameter set under 'printer settings', i.e. orientation, is overridden by choices made under
File > Print > Paper > Page Orientation.

I do not have that one in 2.0.x.
I do have File > Printersetup > Properties
        Format > Page > Pageformat

I agree that it would appear that
File > Printer Settings > Properties > Orientation
is now redundant/superfluous.
Could it be that 'Tools > Options > OOoWriter > Printing > Papersource from printersettings' is of infulence?


Cor Nouws & Office
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